You can use [[blogs]] to show blogs of all categories

Add the limit attribute to only show a certain amount of blogs, use [[blogs limit="5"]]

Display Blogs from a Specific Category

Use [[blogs category="ID"]] for a specific category

Add the limit attribute to only show a certain amount of blogs, use [[blogs category="1" limit="5"]]

Display a Menu of Latest Blogs

To show a menu of the latest blogs you can use the [[latest-blogs]] shortcode. 

By default this will show the five latest blogs. If you want to change the number of blogs that show, add the limit attribute.

[[latest-blogs limit="3"]]

Display a Menu that Lists all Blog Categories

Use the code below if you want to show the # of blogs within that category

[[blog-categories showCount="1"]]

Use the code below to just show all blog categorizes in alphabetical order.


Display a Menu that Lists Blogs by Year

[[blog-years limit="#" sort=“created_asc”]]
[[blog-years limit="#" sort=“created_desc”]]
[[blog-years sort=“created_asc”]]
[[blog-years sort=“created_desc”]]

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